Scheduled Network Maintenance [July.4]

As part of our commitment to provide quality web hosting services, we are contacting to advise of network maintenance that will be taking place in our datacenter in Kent that may briefly affect your services. Please read the details below carefully: Scheduled Date and Time: Starting at 04-Jul-2013 23:00:00 GMT through 05-Jul-2013 00:00:00 ... En savoir plus »

26 juin 2013
Customer Testimonials

Hear what our customers have to say...... Jah Waggys Records Running my online business has been so much easier thanks to UK-US Hosting.  I have a busy website business, and needed support with both hardware and software and UK-US were unique in their ability to give me both. I. Wagstaff MD - Jah Waggys ... En savoir plus »

8 avril 2013
About UK-US Hosting & Web Design

History of UK-USUK-US was formed in 2006 by a great group of girls and guys from the world of gaming.  UK-US Multi-Gaming Clan was a group of worldwide gaming addicts started by five founders based in the UK and the USA - hence the name.  As the online gaming scene exploded with a huge array of games coming on to the market, UK-US also ... En savoir plus »

7 avril 2011
Web Design

Web DesignOn-line stores, blogs, forums, personal web sites, club web sites, you name it we have made them for our clients.  We don't believe that web sites should be a complex or expensive process when it does not need to be.  We have seen many other design companies design sites which are far too complex or even worse, clearly not up ... En savoir plus »

7 avril 2011

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